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Saturday, 6 December 2014


hi beautiful friends,
I have been so slack with blogging but i promise i haven't just been sitting around in my knickers doing nothing....kidding...that's pretty much what i have been doing.

I have got myself a sweet new job! I am so stoked. I was looking for a new role for a long time. something that would mentally stimulate me and make me feel more at ease and like i was actually growing..moving towards where i wanted to me instead of being stuck in a rutt. you feel me.
So it's with the same company which is great because i love who i work with. just a slightly different role. 6 month placement but i am stoked! so excited for what this next 6 months has to offer! weeheey!!

also - i have been spending so much time at the beach. As usual. It's so good for your soul. I like to just take my shoes off and feel the sand in-between my toes. It grounds me and i feel at peace and so much less anxious. I am a beach baby. I love it. I am a mermaid. with feets..

I recently had an operation to loo into my insides. (god, i am descriptive..) Like to look into my ovaries and everything, I have always had really crazy hormones. I am so up and down and moody.. i'm basically constantly having mood swings. I also have an awful cycle. So my doctor set up an operation for me that will make things less painful for me in the future. I am so excited to see the results and see how my life will change because of this surgery!
The healing process is the worst. I am so bloated and bruised and in pain. I have posted a Pre-Op bikini snap below to keep me motivated. At the moment, all i feel like doing is eating cake and watching WALL-E. How good is that movie?! so awesome. so yeah, right now i look pregnant. but i'm still cute.. so i can't complain! 

for a while now, i have been yearning for a wee hobby. Something creative. I have a wee something up my sleeve. Will post it on here as soon as I have something set in stone :)

Here are my snaps of the day. Enjoy babies!

robbies hairy belly with shells.


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