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Sunday, 7 December 2014


Sometimes i am afraid that people think that i am something that i'm not. I don't want them to look at me and see a girl who wears a lot of makeup and takes selfies and posts them all over instagram because i think they will assume that i am 'stuck-up' or cocky.  There isn't anything wrong with loving makeup. there's nothing wrong with taking a photo of yourself and being like "damn, today i look good". nothing wrong with that at all.
there is also nothing wrong with loving yourself. You need to love yourself. I am far from perfect but one thing i have covered is respect for myself and self love. I respect myself enough to walk away from anyone or anything that no longer helps me grow as a person. If it isn't positive then i don't want a bar of it. 
In no means do i think i am perfect. but i know that i have some good qualities about myself that i really like. - I am loyal. i will never leave you when you need me. 
I am honest, sometimes too honest but i will always tell you if you have something stuck in your teeth.-i am fun. I know this because people tell me and also because i can have fun by myself. and i am warm. 

I feel like everyone should make a list. Three things that you like about yourself. It can be your eyes, your boobs or your hands. It can be your laugh, your witty remarks or the way you make scones. Anything. These things make you, you! and the sooner that you learn to love yourself then the sooner you will find happiness. True happiness.

that's what's really important in life. being at peace with yourself and being happy. Nothing else matters at the end of the day. 
Just your happiness.

I am serious about this list. Three things that you really like about yourself. You should do it and then send it to me. Do it. 

I want people to have the self respect and self love that i have grown to have. young girls especially. It worries me. like, social media is awesome. but its so worrying. the amount of young girls on instagram and tumblr and Facebook and everything else. constantly being put down by other people. young people don't know that what these people are saying isn't true. And how they compare themselves to others? my god. the comments i see! and i have received some comments on my photos from young girls.. 13 and 14. saying things like "i wish i had your body", "i wish i had your eyes"... no way. how can you compare yourself to me? i am a woman. you shouldn't really have a body like mine right now anyway!! but that's what they are doing. they are scrolling through the internet. comparing themselves to others. their self confidence getting lower and lower with each new profile they reach. when really - if they took a step back and realised how beautiful and individual they really are then they wouldn't feel the need to leave comments like that on pages. they wouldn't be so sucked in and obsessed with social media. 
It's scary. we need to work on self-love and self-respect for the younger generations to break this cycle. it should be taught in schools!! learning how to love yourself is just as important (if not more) than learning your times tables! it will get your further in life.

So here's what i am asking you to do.
Three things.
Three things that you love about yourself.
It can be anything!!!

I want you to write these down and hold onto them.
I want you to have them next to your bed and in the morning you can look at them. Put them in your phone. So when you feel low you can look at those things.
They are what makes you, you! You are so beautiful and you are so different and i want you to respect yourself and love yourself.

THREE THINGS GUYS!!!! Only three. Please!! It'll make you feel good.
Self love is everything. Happiness is everything. They go hand in hand.

I'll leave you with some snaps of my Sunday. Sorry for the rant. I am just Super inlove with Self-love !!!!


Saturday, 6 December 2014


hi beautiful friends,
I have been so slack with blogging but i promise i haven't just been sitting around in my knickers doing nothing....kidding...that's pretty much what i have been doing.

I have got myself a sweet new job! I am so stoked. I was looking for a new role for a long time. something that would mentally stimulate me and make me feel more at ease and like i was actually growing..moving towards where i wanted to me instead of being stuck in a rutt. you feel me.
So it's with the same company which is great because i love who i work with. just a slightly different role. 6 month placement but i am stoked! so excited for what this next 6 months has to offer! weeheey!!

also - i have been spending so much time at the beach. As usual. It's so good for your soul. I like to just take my shoes off and feel the sand in-between my toes. It grounds me and i feel at peace and so much less anxious. I am a beach baby. I love it. I am a mermaid. with feets..

I recently had an operation to loo into my insides. (god, i am descriptive..) Like to look into my ovaries and everything, I have always had really crazy hormones. I am so up and down and moody.. i'm basically constantly having mood swings. I also have an awful cycle. So my doctor set up an operation for me that will make things less painful for me in the future. I am so excited to see the results and see how my life will change because of this surgery!
The healing process is the worst. I am so bloated and bruised and in pain. I have posted a Pre-Op bikini snap below to keep me motivated. At the moment, all i feel like doing is eating cake and watching WALL-E. How good is that movie?! so awesome. so yeah, right now i look pregnant. but i'm still cute.. so i can't complain! 

for a while now, i have been yearning for a wee hobby. Something creative. I have a wee something up my sleeve. Will post it on here as soon as I have something set in stone :)

Here are my snaps of the day. Enjoy babies!

robbies hairy belly with shells.