Everything you've been through makes you stronger and everyday you learn about yourself.
Never a truer statement made.
I feel like everyday, this becomes more and more relevant to me and my life.
It's like everything really does happen for a reason. And i know that you have all heard that before but its so so so true.
There's a reason you are here right now. There's a reason those people are in your life and theres a huge reason why some people are no longer a part of your life.
It's hard to come to terms with sometimes - like "why have i drifted apart from her?", "why didn't i get that job?" , "why do things never go my way?"
All these questions. Things aren't happening like that because they aren't meant to.
I am a firm believer in fate.
I really am. But in saying that.. I am also a firm believer that if you want something bad enough and you honestly believe that certain things should happen for you - then make them.
Go out with positive vibes and make those things happen.
Positivity is where it's at. I swear to you. You can turn your whole day around with just one positive thought in the morning.
You can change your life by surrounding yourself with positive people and positive things.
Things that make you smile.
Tea, Yoga, Reading, Photography, Laughter and Love.
Whatever works for you and whatever you like - just do it.
You all deserve the best life.
Live your life the way you want to.
Every single day is a lesson. You will learn so much about yourself every single day.
Make everyday as positive as you can! What a positive story your life will tell. Imagine the things you can accomplish when you are 100% in the zone and open to anything that comes your way.
Because everything happens for a reason. And what's for you won't go past you.
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