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Sunday, 23 March 2014

Top 5 things that Grind my Gears on Facebook.

Please don't take offence to much of what I am about to say/what you are about to read. I just need to let you know what Grinds my Gears on Facebook.

1- Negative status's about everything and anything.
It must be the thing to do at the moment because it is all over my newsfeed on Facebook, Instagram and even twitter.
I am done with your crap grammar, shit spelling and negative energy that you are pumping out to everyone else. 
Here I am...just trying to stalk and scroll and I'm polluted by your angry, punk ass, lame ass, negative post about something as small as the weather. Baby, baby. There ain't nothing you can do about the rain. There's people in the world starving. Cheer up Charlie.

 In saying that though, I totally get that sometimes you need to vent. (I'm venting right now!) But if you have anger issues like me, get a blog! Then be as rough as you like because people have to actually go on to your page to see that. And that's their choice!
But seriously, You control your life. Only you have the power to change it. :)

2- Bitchy ass status's aimed usually and one person.
I am done with your jealous ass posts girl!!! No one ever tell you that "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." ?? Tattoo that on your hand and look at it before you think about posting and "subtle" - "not-so-subtle" post about someone.
 People read. They aren't silly. And people get offended.
 You are a bully and again you are releasing negative vibes out into the social media world and we don't need that. Us girls should be banding together and helping eachother grow not knocking eachother down. We are all sistas. Help eachother. Be kind to one another. 

3- Guy's openly treating woman like pieces of meat and thinking they are in with a shot.

Seriously man. You need to stop. Go listen to some Pac and learn some respect. 
And you can no longer use the smirky and winky face emoji in the same sentence in a comment to a girl. 
You thirsty! 
You cannot be repulsive and expect a girl to be keen. 
You cannot be angry when she shoots you down for being repulsive.
You set yourself up for that.

You know those guys who yell out to your little sister from their car windows? 
That's you of the social media world.

4-People who invite you to every single game they play and every level. 
You want cows you want coins you want love. But what do I get? What about me?

5-El Creepos that try and spam you into giving them your back account details.

Maybe the thing that grinds my gears most in the social media world. 
If you have Facebook and if you have gone into the "messages" tab and looked under "other", then you will know what I'm talking about. 
I may just leave it at that and wait for you to look at all of the messages of men and woman from across the globe that call you "dear" and "lovely" who all have equally broken English and suspiciously similar messages even though they have different names and claim to be legit. 
My mum had so many messages. We compared them and hers definitely had a lot more depth to them. Compare with your friends! Pretty good for a giggle. 

Thought I'd chuck another point in here for things that "Grind my gears" most.

- status's that go nowhere.
Let me give you an example...
Person 1-
Worst day evah

Person 2- oh no! Are you ok?

P1- no :(

P2- do you wannah txt about it?

P1- no :(

P2- oh ok well I hope you feel better.

P1- yh. me too :(

This is real!! I saw this in real life! This must stop!! It must!!!

Thanks for reading and letting me vent guys. That's me done for now!! 

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